talks to
Product manager

Say goodbye to manually create & update
your user product

We've (AI)tomated from user story prompt to “How to” videos.
Always up to date.
Trusted by founders of B2B Software

Until now, everything was manual

Record manually your product flow
Every product release need manual rework
product documentation is limited and outdated

Now, we (AI)tomated

AI record for you a video to validate
all videos are AItomatically updated
product documentation is accurate and uptodate

It’s magic, we find the way

We (AI)tomated the path finding of your product story

User story

As a user
I want to connect Pipedrive
so I see the dashboard

User credentials

Kevin Carter
Password ••••••••••••

User credentials

Kevin Carter
Password ••••••••••••

This is more than a video

Interactive as your software a Product Story

Try this Pipedrive example.
This is a “product story” easy to share or embed
Play in fullscreen

The real problem is not only to create your user documentation
The real problem is to keep it up-to-date

You just saw

All product stories
(AI)tomatically updated for the release

Something you didn’t expect

your product library updated

Easy to share or embed in your software

Embed your product stories into your favorite tools

Embed into your SAAS LMS, CMS, Support and more

They love the magic

We answer these questions

"What is the product?"
"What was the product"?

So less meeting for you and your team
Product manager
Save 90% time to manage user documentation
Know all the product
No need time anymore to create video
Onboard and educate faster
Detect problem on production
Show the real product
Have a global view

Discover how much time you will save with StorytoDoc!

In my team
(PM , CSM, Support, Knowledge)
per month each
to manage the user documentation

Save 90% effort to create and update a better user documentation

Reduce meeting time for alignment by 75% with product stories
Reduce the number of support tickets by 25% with 100% of your product documented

Discover how much time you will save with StorytoDoc!

You will get back
24 days per year

with StorytoDoc!
Get the private beta

Only 100 seats available

Save 90% effort to create and update a better user documentation

Reduce meeting time for alignment by 75% with product stories
Reduce the number of support tickets by 25% with 100% of your product documented
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If you are at this point of this page then product documentation
is a real subject
for you

It's time you try on your software !